Visit with Debra
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
2:35 PM
Met Debra at train station
Went to her hostel, then walked around Xian
Arrive in Ankang 5 Nov after dark
Take train from Xinyang to Xian
Ride in hard sleeper on lower bunk
Left Xinyang 21:26 4 Nov
Arrive Xian 9:30 5 Nov

Spend Monday at her apartment while she was at school
Met Lucy and Lily…persons from the school Debra works for
Went for long walk in the evening…took lots of photos
During lunch met Ulla, the other English speaking teacher at her school
During walk met LaVelle, another teacher placed by Buckland at a different school here
Sunday on the train we met a very nice young lady. She was 6 years old. She sang and drew for us. Her mom could speak some English and so could she. She wrote her name for me and her mom gave me an email address for her. Her name is Bao Rui Xue. We got some pictures of her, but there were technical problems with the camera and several did not come out.
We also met a young boy. I am guessing he was about 3or 4 years. He let us take pictures of him…

Today spent morning working and playing on my computer
Lunch break spent with Debra…ramen and bread and fruit for lunch
Made shopping list during morning
Breakfast…cheese, fruit and bread
Went on walk when Debra got done teaching
Purchased several scarves
Went to supermarket, purchased writing boards, dictionary and book
Ate at KFC on the way back to Debra's apartment
Also purchased music cds on the way back after dinner
Watch "Nanny McPhee"
Wed 8 Nov 9:30
Uggg…it is grey outside
Breakfast will be fruit, cheese, crackers
Worse than grey outside is cold inside
And no internet
All in all today was a good day. I worked on the computer and on my journals. I also spent time listening to music.
Lavelle and nick come for their cheese 13:50
Debra goes to teach class
Sun is out and shining...flat is still chilly
Lucy comes with computer men to get internet and network fixed. They arrived at 2:30pm
Dinner was at an acquaintance of Debra's
The food was cooked by the husband and was very good to eat
After eating, we took lots of pictures
The pictures were taken with two cameras
We left at 6pm and returned at 8:55pm
Thurs 9 Nov 9:35
Breakfast consisted of sliced and pealed fruits, buns, several cheeses and breakfast biscuits type of cookie). An apple and pear were sliced and an orange was peeled.
The internet repair person comes by as do the computer repairmen. They are currently working on the computer to fix the entire problem with using the internet.
My laundry is done and waiting to be hung and dried. All is now drying.
The sun finally came out which will help with the stuff on the roof drying.
2:55 computer men return with Lucy. She leaves to give Debra the tickets to Xian. When they arrived I was busy sweeping the floors.
During lunch hour, Debra and I went and got a rack for drying laundry inside. We stopped at the bank on the way there and brought a taxi back to her apartment. Lunch consisted of orange slices and small bread buns.
The computer men appear to have reformatted the drive…internet was available tonight
Cut out arrows for Debra…after playing on internet for a couple hours
Listen to music
Fri 10 Nov
Called Robert at 12:58
Breakfast is fruit cheese and breakfast biscuits
Lunch is cheese and biscuits
Debra has left for her teaching assignments
I am here in her apartment which is warmer this morning than it has been for the last few. I am listening to music on my computer.
I have taken a shower and washed my hair
Later this morning my laundry will be completely dry
We are packed and mostly ready for weekend trip to Xian. While there we plan to explore and go to see the Terracotta Army. I plan to purchase a small backpack. I will use the pack to help take things back to Xinyang. Things include cheese and tomato sauce, chopsticks and small gifts for people.
Listen to music throughout the morning and afternoon
Started watching third Harry Potter movie and making questions about it.
2:50 Lucy arrives with someone she says will fix internet.
Dinner out with Debra and other teachers. Ate at a Hot Pot. Food was good and so was the company
Leave for station about 9:20
Catch train to Xian
Sat 11 Nov
Arrive in Xian at about 4am
Wait outside station till about 7am
At 7 catch bus to Terra cotta army site
We both got a little chilled while waiting for the bus to start running
At the site, we went through the three pits
I took lots of picures while we were there, both inside the protective buildings for the site and outside them
The place was well worth seeing, and I think going first thing is a very wise choice as there are very few tours going then
Pit #3 was as well lit as the first one. Pictures were easier to take and seem to be better.
This pit may be as excavated as it is going to be
We started with Pit #1, the first of the pits to be discovered. It is supposed to be the largest of the pits, and holds a large number of statues. I took lots of pictures with both of the cameras I had with me. I suspect that I have more pictures from this pit than from the other two combined. There seem to be four to six columns of the warriors in this pit, each column containing four warriors across.
The columns stretch to the back of the protective shelter
There is still a lot of the area which could be excavated. Part of the very back is used to piece together the broken statues
Pit #2 is very dark and seems a bit disappointing after the first one.
There were several glass encased displays in the building protecting this pit. It also looked like there was current and ongoing excavation happening
When we were done we went and got a room for the night in a nice youth hostel it was very nice and we were fortunate in that we got the bottom bunks and did not have to share the room. Well we did, but there were two rooms in one, and we got the back room.
Pictures of the room we were in
After getting accommodation for the night we went and did some shopping. I wanted a small pack, some chopsticks and some other items. Debra took me to the shop and I got the pack I wanted, we then went and got something to eat. After eating we went down a street with lots of small shops and carts in it. At one of the shops we purchased fans and in another I purchased some chopsticks. As we left I also purchased a small dangly to help locate my USB drive.
Sun 12 Nov
We went to three tourist items today, one before checking out of the Hostel and the other two before catching the train
The first was the "tablet forest" this was within walking distance of the place where we stayed for the night. It was a very nice place.
I took a lot of pictures while we were there.
This is a map of the place.
Some examples of the different styles of writing

We also visited the Great Mosque
After visiting the mosque we did some shopping in the lane out to the main road. Items of silk and a variety of other things were available.
The train station waiting room
The last place we visited before going to the train station was the Bell Tower.
This was one of the bells at the tower. The others were in the tower and there was some music being played.
Mon 13 Nov
Did not sleep well last night. Got a good hot shower this morning. Am starting to feel better. Apartment I still very chilly and damp. Have been wearing my shawl today.
Debra went and taught this morning. When she came back we spent some time and talked to family via Team Speak. Members included Victoria, Mom, John and Serena. We both spoke to everyone for a few minutes or more. Fixed Microphone so it was working. I think we both got to talk for a minimum of 30 minutes each and maybe as long as an hour
I spent some time this morning ad this afternoon working on the Power Point and On my journals
Debra has gone back to teach classes for this afternoon. Reminded her to ask for train tickets to Xian for Sat Morning. I have been writing notes on postcards. We are planning to go to the post office this afternoon and mail packages and postcards out to people.
Went for a walk to post office with Debra and Ulla. Did some shopping and stopped for dinner on the way back to apartment.
Talked to family again this afternoon via TS
Listening to music
Did laundry tonight
Tues 14 Nov
Grey and chill day
Spent morning on internet and talking to john and mom
Lunch was ramen, Debra style
Again wearing the shawl to help keep warm
Working on movie questions and webpage while Debra is at school this afternoon
When Debra returned from school, we went an visited with Ulla. I showed my power point presentation and we also shared photos. Ulla gave me copies of some of her pictures
Discussed her classes and the use of an assistant
Dinner was sandwiches and cheese and crackers.
We also watched a movie, Harry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
Still waiting for the laundry to finish drying
Wed 15 Nov
Chill and grey day
Spent morning on the internet
Talked to mom and john
Went for walk about noon and got veggies and fruit with Debra
Have afternoon also on internet
Thurs 16 Nov
Played on WOW for a while this morning
Also checked e-mail and visited other sites online
Grey skis abound outside this morning
Set batteries to charging
Now cooking rice and playing on my laptop
Now eating the rice
Played with mom on WOW. Advanced elf hunter to level 25
Fri 17 Nov
Listen to Chinese language cd
Had eggs onion and cheese for breakfast
Played online till power went down about 11:00
Now working on journals and packing
Cheese and banana for lunch/snack
No power from 11:00 am to 4:30 pm
Getting ready to go an a walk, take photos and get dinner with friends
Walk was very nice. Dinner was also quite good. After dinner walked to bridge and took photos of it and one of the buildings near it. From the bridge went by the apartment of one of the teachers and made use of her toilet. We then went to KFC and got sundaes with strawberry. Then we returned to Debra's apartment to finish packing and prepare to leave for Xian in the morning.