Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Another hospital visit

I crashed yesterday 3 July 07

Today I decided to go to the hospital and have it checked

I wrote a note that comes out to say "yesterday I traffic accident bicycle, I cleaned the abrasion (hydrogen peroxide), it hurts here left knee x-ray." Gao Jing, one of my students said that my writing was very good; however, my grammar was terrible.

Then I walked the 4 blocks to the hospital (it took a long time, I was really hurting)

First, registration (4Y). By this, I got in line at a window marked registration (with a lot of other people). I tried to give her my note, she just said, "four (su) qui," and gave me a hospital book, I am aware of the procedure. The patient keeps all of their records and takes this book with them. So from there I went looking for an appropriate department

2nd emergency (no help). This was my first stop. However, they only appeared to deal with transported patients, not walk ins; So I kept looking.

3rd radiology (they wrote something I couldn't read on my note). I then went to radiology. I wanted an x-ray so it seemed to be the most useful thing. The woman at the window there wrote something (that I could not read) on my note. I then stopped another nurse and she looked at what was written and took me to the director of outpatient's office. From there, an English speaking nurse came and took me up to orthopedics and then back down to radiology, we then went outside to the payment line to pay for the x-rays (everything is cash in advance). Then, back to x-ray for a total of 4 x-rays (160Y).

I then waited a couple of hours for the pictures to be developed and carried them back to orthopedics. Of course I looked at them and determined that nothing was broken; however, I had paid for the doctor, I was going to let him at least look at the pictures. He basically said to get some rest and take some pain killers.

A week later I am still sore but I am a lot better.

The basic details of the crash were none to exciting, I was riding down a wet street and the bike just dumped out from under me. I suspect that I must have hit a patch of oil. The pain was pretty intense.

I then went to a drug store (about a 3km ride) and got a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide and some bandages and cleaned it up (I was surprised to feel the pad I was using to apply the peroxide get very hot) then covered the open wound. People at the hostel were pretty upset to see my condition. That night I ended up needing help because I fell in the hall and was unable to bend my leg enough to stand up… of course, being in a hostel, people thought I was lying in the hall because I was drunk. The being unable to get up off the ground under my own power was what prompted the decision to go to the hospital for an x-ray.

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