Thursday, 7 September 2006

7 Sep 06

Yesterday there was little to report. Classes went reasonably well. I was shown where the facility parking was. Thus is a covered area for our bicycles rather then an open one.

Staff and Faculty Parking

A view of the Staff and Faculty parking lot from the staff room.


This photo was taken in the staff parking. It illustrates the delimas that people face, due to the level of crime; the delema being, where to leave ones keys. If you leave them in the ignition there is a risk of running down the batteries. If you take them with you, there is a risk of loosing them. Look on his seat.

I ran a movie in one of my classes in order to get them all on the same schedule. As it was, one of the classes did not get the word that I was showing movies in the evenings and had not seen it.

I irritated one of the other teachers, the South African, because he was expecting to go with me to the bank during lunch. Lunch here runs from 12:00 to 15:00. He was also expecting that we would go to the cell phone office. As it turned out, for whatever reason, Zeneta had taken both of our passports and so I was unable to do these things.

After class we tried a new place for dinner. We went with Michelle to a place near where we have eaten a couple of times already. This place was off the main street in front of the campus and down an alley. It did have tables and chairs, this is not always a given. The food was good. However, the girls considered it to be too spicy. I ended up adding spice to mine.

The embarrassment was when we prepared to leave. The owners did not want us to pay. The problem with that is that we did not see ourselves eating there often enough, in the future, to accept the gift. So, we did finally pay (12 Yuan for the three of us), went to another street shop for some ice-cream, and returned to our apartments.

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