Sunday, 3 September 2006

Class schedule

3 Sep 06

Today I was still not feeling quite well and did not get out of the apartment until about noon. When I did, I carried my bicycle down the stairs and went to the market. The bicycle is a much better way for me to get around. It almost makes me wonder why I stopped riding in the first place. I think that one of the reasons is that where I live in Hornbook, there is nothing to ride to within riding distance.

I scooted down the road and almost passed the market that I was heading to. I am still having trouble identifying the shops. I then started back and stopped at the honey seller. He has several hives and a tent right along the sidewalk. I was having some trouble determining the price of a liter. It just happened that his other customer spoke English and was able to tell me the price. So, having done my shopping, I headed back home.

As I was sitting around typing, I heard a knock at the door. It was Kennie with an administrator from the school. They were bringing me my schedule. I now know what I will be teaching and at what times. It looks like I have five sessions of Audio English. This was described to me as a class that focuses around watching movies and other audio media and then discusses and explains the material to the class.

I intend to head to the office tomorrow morning in order to find out more of what I am to be doing and to review the materials that are available.

Michelle returned from a trip into town and brought me a package of throat Lozenges. She also told me where she had gotten them. As far as headache medicine, they wanted to know what kind of headache and other information that she did not have. So she did not get me anything for that.

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